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北京大学国际法学院 法律图书馆





        现在学院共有113名学生,一年级60人,二年级53人。2010年8 月将有71名新生加入这个集体。师资主要由若干杰出的常驻教授和一批世界知名大学的访问教授组成。学院目前正致力于获得ABA(美国律师协会)认证,学院新大楼也将于2012年竣工。



        ●     扩大图书馆馆藏,尤其是中国法律图书馆藏数量;
        ●     对学院师生和大学城内其他人员提供图书馆使用指导和培训;
        ●     与大学城图书馆进行协调和沟通;
        ●     准备法律研究导则;
        ●     教授法律研究课程。

        ●     持有法律和图书馆学两种学位,或有相关工作经验可等效其对应学位;
        ●     普通话标准,英语流利;
        ●     熟练运用中国和国际法律信息资源;
        ●     能够提供有效的法律研究支持。

        ●     有在高校法律图书馆为师生提供研究支持的工作经验;
        ●     熟悉普通法信息资源;
        ●     有教授法律研究课程的经验;
        ●     有图书馆管理经验。


       若想获取更多信息,请联系北大国际法学院信息资源副院长Christopher Simoni教授。(EMAIL:chrissimoni@gmail.com)


Peking University
School of Transnational Law
Law Library
Shenzhen, China
Available:  July 1, 2010

The Law School and Law Library:The Peking University School of Transnational Law (Shenzhen, China) is a branch of Peking University (also known as "Beijing University," or "Beida"), China's oldest and most distinguished university.  Established in 2007, the School of Transnational Law is China's first American-style law school to offer a graduate program whose courses are taught in English using the Socratic method.  The four-year curriculum leads both to a J.D. degree and a Chinese-law Juris Master degree.  The School began teaching courses in 2008 and will graduate its first class of students in 2012.

113 students are enrolled in the first two classes with another 70 beginning in September, 2010.  The faculty consists of a mix of distinguished permanent and visiting faculty.  The law school plans to seek accreditation from the American Bar Association and a new law school building will be dedicated in 2012. 

The law library, which is in its founding stage, will provide a range of excellent research and reference services to support students and faculty.  Its collection will be a mix of print and digital resources with a focus on Chinese, American, common law, and comparative and international legal materials. 

The Law School and Library are located in Shenzhen, China on a beautiful campus shared by Peking University, Tsinghua University, and the Harbin Institute of Technology. The law library has developed a collaborative working relationship with the University Town Library, located a five minute walk from the law school, and a portion of the law library’s print collection is located at the University Town Library.   Shenzhen is in a subtropical zone and has warm summers and temperate winters.  The campus is one-hour from Hong Kong. 

  Responsibilities:   The Deputy Director reports to the Associate Dean for Information Services and will assist the Associate Dean in

• Developing the library’s collection, with an emphasis on Chinese legal materials;
• Developing and delivering research and instructional support to law school faculty and students and members of the University Town campus;
• Serving as a liaison to the University Town Library;
• Preparing legal research guides;
• Teaching  legal research.

 The Deputy Director is responsible for day to day library operations when the Associate Dean is unavailable.  

 Qualifications:  Because of the unique nature of the School of Transnational Law the qualifications for the position are flexible. 

Required qualifications: 

• A law degree and a library degree or equivalent; appropriate experience may be substituted for one or both degrees;
• Fluent in Mandarin and English;
• Demonstrated proficiency using Chinese and international legal information resources;
• Demonstrated proficiency providing effective legal research support.

Preferred qualifications:

• Experience providing research support to faculty and students in an academic law library;
• Familiarity with common law information sources;
• Experience teaching legal research;
• Experience in library management.

Salary and benefits:

Salary based upon experience; benefits package.
For additional information please contact, in English, Prof. Christopher Simoni, Associate Dean for Information Resources, Peking University School of Transnational Law, at chrissimoni@gmail.com.   All replies will be acknowledged.

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