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  第三届“中美法律信息与图书馆论坛(Chinese & American Forum on Legal Information & Law Libraries)”将于2013年6月在中国上海,华东政法大学召开,为了进一步推动中美法律教育界和法律图书馆界的交流与合作,促进法律图书馆事业的发展,繁荣图书馆学理论研究和图书馆管理的实践探索,特面向海内外学界、业界广泛征文。我们将从征文中评选出一、二、三等奖及优秀奖若干,并遴选部分获奖论文在会议结束后出版。





  Application of new technology in information service of legal documental


  The content may include:

  Application of internet (including blog/twitter, etc.) in the legal literature information services;

  Application of cloud computing in the legal literature information services;

  Construction of the legal digital library;

  Protection of intellectual property rights about the application of digital communication and storage technology in the legal literature information services;

  Application of data mining technology in the legal literature information services;

  Application of cross-language retrieval system in the legal literature information services;

  Theory and practice about the digital information service of legal documental;

  Analysis of trends about the application of new technology in the legal literature information services


  New Trends and New Concepts in Law Library Services


  The content may include:

  Knowledge management of library and service innovation of the law library;

  The research focused on library science about knowledge management is to: library tacit knowledge, librarians' knowledge migration, librarians' knowledge learning, knowledge organization between individuals and departments, knowledge sharing between individuals and departments, knowledge innovation capability of library, and so on.

  Knowledge services of the law library is a full range of innovation services, it bases on the law major information resources and its service mainly focuses on consulting services, subject librarian services, portal services, thematic knowledge base services, information push services for experts, and so on.


  International Legal Information Resources Sharing and Cooperation in China and the U.S.


  The content may include:

  To discuss the model of sharing, restraining factors and institutional guarantee;

  The trend of globalized development of Legal information;

  Sino-US communication and exchanges in the field of legal information and legal education;

  To obtain and use the digital legal resources both in China and United States;

  Sino-US communication and cooperation of law library and legal information academic organization;

  The construction and development of the Law library leagues;

  The Cooperation situation of the regional libraries;

  The development trend research and quality evaluation of Joint Reference, and so on


  Subject-oriented information service of legal documental


  The content may include:

  The reforming of Law library management system should be guided by subject service;

  Concepts and practices of subject service;

  The system construction and service mode of the subject librarian;

  Subject librarian and subject service;

  The role orientation of the librarians under the model of subject service;

  The information quality education facing the user of different subjects;

  The information sharing space construction under the model of subject service;

  “Ubiquitous Library” and “Ubiquitous Service model”, and etc.


  Public Access to Legal Information in China and U.S.


  The content may include:

  The analysis of the contents, the situation, the approaches and the obstacles of obtaining the legal information resources both in China and United States;

  The comparative analysis of the relevant legal system;

  Completing the public access to legal information resource measures and security strategy analysis;

  The research on relevant security policy legislation;

  Sino-US cooperation mechanism in the public access to legal information resource service;

  The construction of public information service system and the problem of access to the Legal information resource service;


  Requirements for librarian in information service of legal documental


  The content may include:

  The librarians are the most dynamic factor in the reform of library.

  To discuss the professionalism, competence, core competitiveness, continuing education, career planning and professionalization of nowadays law librarians.

  To find the way to establish the Scientific human resource management mechanism, work performance appraisal system, incentives mechanism, and, Law librarians and readers service strategy, Law librarians and readers management mode, law librarians and Law thematic studies, law librarians and readers special needs services












  联系人:王丽、胡凌箭 021-67790432

  龚思文 021-62071615


      首都法学网       北京市高级人民法院       中美法律信息与图书馆论坛(CAFLL)
      国家图书馆       美国法律图书馆学会(AALL)       国家检察官学院
      中国社科院法学所图书馆       国际法律图书馆协会(IALL)       最高人民法院图书馆

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