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2013 FCIL Schaffer Grant for Foreign Law Librarians

    Dear Friends & Colleagues,

    The application deadline for the 2013 FCIL Schaffer Grant for Foreign Law Librarians has been extended to March 15, 2013. New applicants are encouraged to submit by that date.

    Details for Applicants:

    The Foreign, Comparative and International Law Special Interest Section (FCIL-SIS) of the American Association of Law Libraries is now accepting applications for the 2013 FCIL Schaffer Grant for Foreign Law Librarians.

    The FCIL Schaffer Grant for the AALL Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington (July 13-16, 2013) provides a waiver of the AALL Annual Meeting full registration fee and a grant of a minimum $2,000 to assist with accommodations and travel costs.

    Applicants must be law librarians or other professionals working in the legal information field, currently employed in countries other than the United States, and with significant responsibility for the organization, preservation, or provision of legal information. The new application deadline is March 15, 2013. The Grant Committee will not consider late or incomplete applications.

    Details regarding the FCIL Schaffer Grant for Foreign Law Librarians as well as the application form can be found at the link below:


    Please feel free to contact me or another committee member if you have any questions about the 2013 FCIL Schaffer Grant for Foreign Law Librarians.

    Also, please feel free to distribute this announcement to any listserv or individual who might be interested in attending the 2013 AALL Annual Meeting.


    Gabriela Femenia

    2013 FCIL Schaffer Grant for Foreign Law Librarians Selection Committee Co-Chair


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